Whether Charterers or owners looking Off Hire Bunker or Conventional, detective, and/or continuous survey for the vessel’s bunker, PANOCEAN is always ready to serve. Our well-experienced Master mariner surveyors can board the vessel with short notice at Chittagong Port outer anchorage, Mongla anchorage/ Harbaria or Base Creek area, or even at Matarbari.
Especially for the off-hire bunker survey, we are better to know to charterers as we know how to protect their interest and try to find more than the declared quantity. If the condition survey is included then we always try to establish that the master has no claim against the charterer and vessel delivered as same as it was at the time of delivery.
Want to assist to exclude losses because fuel oil expenses are a significant part of the operational budget.
The bunker surveyor plays an important role in the bunker delivery process. It is always important to ensure that the right surveyor is appointed on behalf of owners or charterer. Our well-experienced master mariner/ marine engineer surveyors are ready to protect Principals Interest. Always we request our Principals to update with required input, prior we move forward with the off-hire bunker survey program at Chattogram or Mongla anchorage-
In port gear working: abt ….. mts hfo pd irrespective of how many cranes in operation during load/discharge When ballasting / deballasting vessel consumes additional abt …… mts hfo per day.

- We carry out Bunker Detective Survey to establish the actual bunker quantity onboard the vessel and comparing it with the vessel’s declared quantity.
- Some times the bunkering company does not intend to supply a significant amount of fuel and include false information about the specific gravity of fuel oil into the bunker delivery note. Our surveyors are always instructed to check the specific gravity of fuel oil.
- As an additional element of control the unnecessary disputes after completion of the bunkering operation at Chittagong, Mongla, Matarbari or any project areas, we always prefer to take the measurements on the barge is a part of the followed procedure.
- Charterers usually prefer to have the presence of extra fuel onboard compared to the declared quantity in the engine logbook. Once appointed for charterer, we always try to protect their interest.

Once we are assigned for Chittagong or Mongla port for carrying our off-hire bunker or off hire bunker and condition survey, we always appreciate that Principals/ charterer will provide the following information.
- Name of owner
- Name of charterer
- Redelivery place
- Any other special instruction
- The names of the charterer and owner are to be entered in the re-delivery certificate.
SINCE 2003
Why Panocean for Bunker survey
OFF-HIRE BUNKER SURVEY, BUNKER Detective Finding, Investigation for Missing bunker, BUNKER Delivery Survey or dispute survey with integrity
20+ Year Experienced Master Mariner/ Engineer Surveyors
Integrity of surveyors to find more bunker than the decleared quantity if we are hired for off hire bunker survey
Surveyors are always careful in respect of specific gravity of fuel oil to be mentioned into the bunker delivery note.
We prefer to take measurements on the bunker barge as a part of the procedures to avoid unnecessary disputes after completion of the bunkering operation.
Surveyors are standby to board vessel in any circumstances
Instant survey reporting with follow up report.
Team headed by Master Mariner and monitored by 24/7 active team
Technical and Project Management support for Tank cleaning. Debunkering, Demucking and disposal .
Live Reporting for Marine & Cargo survey
24/7 Email: info@panoceanbd.com
Get In Touch .
Marine & Cargo Survey by Master Mariner Surveyor with 20+ years Experience
On-Hire (Off-Hire) Bunker SURVEY
Panocean survey team is headed by master mariner and includes number of competent surveyors for carrying out an off-hire bunker survey at Chattogram and Mongla. On-Hire (Off-Hire) Bunker Survey is carried out onboard the vessel at the time of On or Off-Hire. In order to determine the fuel on board at the time of on or off-hire, the sounding is taken of all Bunker Fuel tanks including Heavy Fuel & Marine Diesel Oil. In most of the cases, charterer supply bunker at vessel during the charter period. The amount of fuel onboard observed during the time of the survey is adjusted for consumption and/or fuel oil received. Jointly signed (with vessel’s Chief Engr. and Master) bunker report is provided to the vessel at the time of the survey.
Bunkering at Chittagong ( Renamed at Chattogram)
Whether it is Matarabari or OPL or anchorage, we can always assist….
IFO-180 CST, MGO is available at Chittagong. It is recommended to use JAMUNA for bunkering. Local bunkering companies are available. Bunker supplier should not be allowed to deal with the vessel’s official’s prior supply of bunker. Dip sample should be taken during bunkering. The qualified and honest surveyor should be used during bunkering and surveyor should not board with bunker supplier barge. The required bunker is available at Chittagong port. Bunker (IFO, MGO) is available here and can be supplied during discharging/loading operation. The price depends subject to supplier and quality.
Are you looking for bunker supply at tug used for project operation?
Our Principals ( Most Recent)
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- Johann M.K. Blumenthal GmbH & Co. KG,.Germany
- Legacy Ship Management Pvt. Ltd. UAE
- J.P.Samartzis Maritime Enterprises Co.S.A.
- Legacy Ship Management Pvt. Ltd. UAE
Niovis Shipping Co. S.A. Greece - Synergy Oceanic Services India Pvt. Ltd. India.
- MARTI Shipping & Ship Management Co, Inc,. Turkey
- Blue Seas Shipping S.A
- Lpl Shipping S.A
- J.P.Samartzis Maritime Enterprises Co. S.A.
- J.P.Samartzis Maritime Enterprises Co. S.A.
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- The China Navigation Co. Pte. Ltd
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- Probulk Shipping & Trading
- Mim Maritime Inc
- Allseas Marine SA
- Istanbul Shipping Co
- Seapioneer Shipping Co. Ltd
- Access Shipping Ltd.
- Legacy Ship Management Pvt. Ltd.
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- Gp Global Apec Pvt. Ltd.
- Orhan Shipping Pvt. Ltd.
- Wallem Group
- Pola Maritime Ltd.
- The Marti Shipping
- Vaishno Risk Management LLP.
- The Geo Service Maritime Pvt. Ltd.
- Waypoint Port Services Private Limited.